Creating Most Favorable Conditions for People and Businesses

8:47:36 AM | 1/24/2022

With the drastic methods in ground clearance; publicity and transparency of the planning; openness in receiving, guiding procedures; quickness in licensing appraisals; prompt removal of problems that occur during and after construction, the Department of Construction of Thai Nguyen province has received high appreciation from people, businesses and investors in Thai Nguyen province.

Creating synchronization and consensus

Mr. Hoang Duc Khanh, Director of Thai Nguyen Department of Construction said: “Over the past time, Thai Nguyen Department of Construction has promoted administrative reform, especially administrative procedure reform, using information technology to connect inside and outside the unit with all levels and sectors through the one-stop department at the Provincial Public Administration Service Center, especially connecting with the Provincial Intelligent Operation Center (IOC), implementing administrative procedures to reach level 4 according to the plan".

Up to now, the Department has basically completed 25/25 tasks of the Administrative Reform Plan in 2021 such as: Plan to improve the Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI) of the Department of Construction in 2021; The Department's digital transformation plan for the period 2021-2035; notifying and publicizing the list of administrative procedures, the list of administrative procedures at level 4 of the Department, and publicizing the results of handling dossiers on the online public service portal of the province; and receiving 100% of administrative procedures files arising through electronic one-stop software, well performing the tasks at Thai Nguyen Provincial Public Administration Service Center.

In addition, right after the revised Construction Law in 2020 had taken effect, the Department promptly advised the Provincial People's Committee to issue detailed regulations on a number of contents on the granting of construction permits in Thai Nguyen province. This regulation has created favorable conditions for organizations and individuals in the sector.

At the same time, through appraisal (especially for projects using state capital, large-scale and complex works that greatly affect the safety of the community), the construction authority has discovered errors and inadequacies that can lead to many potential risks during project implementation. Thereby, investors have promptly repaired and remedied, limited losses and waste, and improved the efficiency of using investment capital.

The coordination between departments, sectors and localities has been promoted, bringing efficiency, reducing time and costs for businesses when implementing administrative procedures. The Provincial People's Committee has promulgated the Regulation on coordination in implementing the one-stop-shop mechanism for administrative procedures in the fields of investment and construction; carrying out activities of granting construction permit and related procedures in order to minimize the implementation time of administrative procedures. In addition, the Provincial Police and the Department of Construction have issued a Regulation on coordination in the appraisal and approval of fire prevention and fighting designs to help reduce the time and procedures in appraising the feasibility study report and the construction design.

Highlights in development planning

According to the master plan of Thai Nguyen province for the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050 approved by the Prime Minister in Decision 664/QD-TTg dated May 20, 2020, Thai Nguyen province strives to become an industrial province which will develop in a modern direction, become a socio-economic center, a growth pole having a spillover effect on the entire Northern midland and mountainous region, creating a green economy with highly competitive major products.

Accordingly, the Department has advised and clearly defined the role and location of Thai Nguyen province when planning that is always ensuring harmonic connection between the cultural identity, economy, society, security, welfare and safety of Thai Nguyen province with the planning of the Northeast region, especially in the key economic region in the North of Hanoi capital. At the Party Congress of Thai Nguyen province for the 2020-2025 term, the objectives were clearly defined as: “Strengthening the construction and rectification of the Party and political system in a clean, strong, streamlined, effective and efficient manner; ensuring national defense and security; effectively mobilizing and using resources, comprehensively improving the lives of all ethnic groups in the province; building Thai Nguyen into one of the modern industrial economic centers of the Northern midland and mountainous region and the Hanoi Capital region by 2030.”

Therefore, the spatial development planning of Thai Nguyen province is divided into two regions. Specifically: the First Region, identified as the driving force connecting with the Red River Delta and the key economic region in the North of Hanoi capital, includes Thai Nguyen city, Song Cong city, Pho Yen town, Phu Binh district and Dai Tu district. The Second Region includes Dong Hy district, Vo Nhai district, Phu Luong district and Dinh Hoa district.

According to economic experts, the planning of Thai Nguyen province into 2 regions is suitable with the location, function, role, structure and the level of socio-economic development of the region; at the same time, it is convenient to invest in building an inner urban area to form districts as premises for the construction of Thai Nguyen urban center directly under the Central Government. Accordingly, the urban planning orientation of Thai Nguyen province by 2030 will have 15 urban centers, of which two urban centers will be formed, namely Phu Binh and Dai Tu towns; By 2050, Thai Nguyen province will become an urban center directly under the Central Government.

By Ha Thanh, Vietnam Business Forum