Promoting Application of Science and Technology in Production and Life

1:04:42 PM | 2/3/2021

Scientific research and the transfer of scientific and technological advances (S&T) into life are key factors to promote socio-economic development. Over the past years, Hung Yen's scientific research and technology transfer activities have always followed the practical requirements of life.


In the period 2015-2020, the Department of Science and Technology of Hung Yen has focused on implementing a number of basic key tasks to achieve practical results in S&T activities, contributing to change in perception of plant production technology and good quality seed. Advanced techniques for producing agricultural products, processing, preserving and developing special fruit trees and vegetables with high economic value have contributed to increasing income per hectare of cultivation. The Department has also facilitated supporting policies in S&T to attract investment projects into the province, develop careers and create jobs. The Department has advised the province to plan policies and reasonable steps in managing socio-economic development in general, as well as in issuing annual S&T plans in particular, contributing to accelerating the process of researching, applying and transferring S&T advances in all fields of production and life, meeting the requirements of each period. Every year, the province invests about 65-70% of the S&T budget in the agricultural and rural sectors. Many new technologies have been applied to transform the agricultural and rural economic structure, and increase production value. Many S&T advances in vegetable and fruit production have been made, such as high-tech planting of flowers, growing vegetables according to the VietGap process. Many agricultural products have been and will be built and protected for collective trademarks or geographical indications such as Hung Yen longan, soya sauce, Phu Cu early ripened hybrid lychee and Dong Tao chicken.

Besides, there are about 200 S&T topics, projects and tasks included in the annual S&T plan, with a total investment cost of about VND 150 billion for S&T tasks. Applied research projects and topics have been implemented in most fields of production and life.

Encouraging innovation, application of science and technology in production and business

In recent years, in order to bring S&T closer to enterprises, the Department of Science and Technology has advised the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Council and Provincial People's Committee to promulgate mechanisms and policies, promote and encourage innovation and application activities of S&T advances in production and business, enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises, such as: Action Program 43-CTr/TU dated September 18th, 2020 on implementing Resolution 52-NQ/TW dated September 27th, 2019 of the Politburo on a number of guidelines and policies to actively participate in the fourth industrial revolution; Resolution 295 / NQ-HDND dated July 10th, 2020 on promulgating the content and level of expenditure for implementing the project to support the national start-up and innovation ecosystem by 2025 in the province; Decision 2009 / QD-UBND dated July 19th, 2017 of the Provincial People's Committee on promulgating the Plan to support Hung Yen's innovative start-up ecosystem in the period 2017-2020 to create a favorable environment for start-ups and innovation; The Hung Yen Intellectual Property Development Program for the 2017-2020 period approved in Decision 1618 / QD-UBND dated June 13th, 2018 of the Provincial People's Committee; Plan 129/ KH-UBND dated October 17th, 2019 of the People's Committee of Hung Yen province on implementing the project "Strengthening and innovating measurement activities to support Vietnamese enterprises to improve their competitiveness and international integration by 2025, with a vision to 2030”.

The Department has regularly organized the implementation of the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's laws and regulations of the province in the field of state management of technology. Since 2015, the Department has provided technology suggestions for 400 investment projects in the province in the fields of agriculture, garment, footwear, plastic, packaging, iron and steel, and gasoline, proposing the Provincial People's Committee to remove projects with outdated technology and causing environmental pollution; continuing to support and encourage S&T enterprises and non-public S&T organizations to participate in research and application of new S&T advances in production; supporting provincial enterprises to participate in exhibiting, demonstrating and introducing new technologies at technology supply demand events (Techdemo) organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology in order to promote application, transfer and innovation of new technologies for local businesses to domestic and foreign businesses; at the same time creating conditions for enterprises to participate in research and application of S&T in production and business.

In order to improve productivity as well as product and goods quality of small and medium enterprises in Hung Yen province, the Department has instructed 74 times for enterprises to register the quality of products and goods in accordance with national standards and technical regulations; 52 times for enterprises to register quality for 1,373 imported product and goods lots; supporting more than 20 small and medium enterprises in the province to apply advanced quality management systems such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, HACCP and GMP, and supported 1 enterprise (EuroHa Joint Stock Company, Pho Noi A Industrial Park, Van Lam, Hung Yen province) to participate in the project of productivity and quality that won the National Quality Gold Award in 2017 and was awarded the Certificate of Merit by the Prime Minister. The participation and award winning has helped businesses constantly develop, achieve great results, increase their annual revenues to improve productivity, product and goods quality in the province.

In addition, the Department has also promoted and encouraged start-up and innovation activities such as supporting union members and young people to start a business, building 7 start-up models. The models have created jobs and increased income for youth union members, and actively contributed to encouraging and training youth union members to build innovative start-up ideas. Provincial Youth Union and Women's Union have built an innovative start-up project for youth union members and women members in the long term, which will be an important basis to promote the development of innovative start-up activities in the province; organized training and fostering on innovative start-ups for thousands of officials and civil servants of departments, committees, sectors, provincial unions, People's Committees of districts, cities and towns; students of colleges and universities; Women's Union members; leaders of businesses, companies, and cooperatives in the province; building a column on innovative start-ups broadcast on Provincial Radio and Television.

Source: Vietnam Business Forum