The customs sector gathered on July 5, 2014 to review preliminary results in the first six months and preview operations and tasks in the last six months of 2014. According to the report at the meeting, the sector raked in VND117.5 trillion for the State Budget in the first six months of 2014, equal to 52.5 percent of the full-year target and up 24.4 percent over the same period of 2013.
A senior official of the attributed the rise in revenue to increased turnover and high tax rate of key exports in compared with the corresponding period of 2013. Revenue from petroleum products increased by VND6,650 billion; automobiles, VND3,300 billion; auto parts, VND1,100 billion; and machine parts, VND2,440 billion.
The General Department of Vietnam Customs launched many measures to increase revenue. Specially, the customs sector effectively dealt with smuggling and trade fraud. In the year to June 15, the sector discovered and handled 8,915 cases with the value of over VND168.9 billion. It also collected in arrears in companies found violations. As of June 30, it performed 767 inspections, recollected VND238.2 billion of taxes and fines, equal to 66 percent of the value in the same period of 2013, and paid VND204.2 billion to the State coffers, eqal to 61 percent of the value in the corresponding period of 2013 (exclusive of revenue from re-exported petroleum).
Remarkably, the customs sector put into operation the VNACCS/VCIS automated customs clearance system in the first half of 2014. So far, the system has been deployed in all 34 provincial/municipal customs departments with 28,401 participating businesses. The system did not cause any problems to export and import activities but quicken customs procedure handling.
However, businesses still complained about customs policies and attitudes of civil servants at customs agencies. Therefore, Finance Minister Dinh Tien Dung told the customs sector to carry out some key tasks to deal with such issues. Firstly, the sector must aggressively enforce instructive documents for the enactment of the Customs Law which was recently passed by the National Assembly. Secondly, the sector needs to effectively carry out the VNACCS/VCIS system and accelerate the deployment of National Single-window and ASEAN Single-window mechanisms. Thirdly, in risk management, the sector needs to perform regular monitoring and supervision over the collection of corporate documents and information, assess the law compliance of businesses and risk rating of enterprises. The sector also needs to intensify tax loss prevention in the last six months of the year. Personnel standardisation is also important to raise the accountability of persons in charge and uphold professional disciplines. The sector will effectively use equipment and machines like X-ray scanners, surveillance cameras, radiation detectors and drug detectors to prevent smuggling and trade fraudulence.
Le Hien