Indo-Pacific Business Forum (IPBF)

1:53:31 PM | 10/22/2020

Dear Sir/Madam,

The Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) would like to present its best compliments to you and is delighted to inform you that with support from the Governments of the United States and Vietnam and in collaboration with the U.S. Government and business agencies, VCCI will co-host with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce the 2020 Indo-Pacific Business Forum (IPBF) on 28-29October 2020.

The Indo-Pacific Business Forum is the leading event to promote trade, investment, and economic cooperation between the United States and its partners throughout the Indo-Pacific. Nations across the Indo-Pacific continue to be the key drivers of global economic growth, and ensuring innovative, resilient and sustainable development throughout the region. This year the Forum’s discussions feature the very latest developments on the business environments for key sectors, including energy, infrastructure, digital economy, healthcare and other critical sectors, along with policy recommendations and new opportunities for expanded public-private partnerships.
Under the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, IPBF will be conducted in a hybrid format on 28th October and virtually on 29th October. Updated information on Forum are posted on the website:

Taking this opportunity, we cordially invite you to attend in-person Forum in Hanoi:
Time: 7.30 -14.00, 28th October 2020
Venue: Daewoo Hotel, 360 Kim Ma, Hanoi

Tentative agenda and registration form are attached for your reference. Due to space limitation, we will take registration on the first come first serve basis. Confirmation will be sent back to delegates who have successfully registered before the deadline of 23rd October. In the meantime, should you need further information, please contact Ms Linh Pham via Or 09888765533

We look forward to welcoming you to 2020 IPBF.

Invitation letter

Tentative Program IPBF 2020

Registration form IPBF 2020 for Business

Source: Vietnam Business Forum