Dak Nong PCI Advances Impressively:

2:22:58 PM | 5/16/2023

Extending the successful momentum in 2021, the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) of Dak Nong province impressively climbed 14 places, to No. 38 from No. 52 out of 63 provinces and cities in 2022.

A corner of Gia Nghia city

Together with stakeholders

This result came from the sustained effort and sheer political determination of the Party, the drastic and close direction of authorities of all levels and branches, and especially the solidarity, resolution and consensus of the political system, the business community and the people in the province.

Mr. Ngo Thanh Danh, Secretary of the Dak Nong Provincial Party Committee, said that the biggest bottleneck that hinders provincial development is poor transport infrastructure: No highways, no railways, no airways and no waterways. Therefore, the 2022 PCI result was a great and significant endeavor.

“We determine that the province must work harder and more openly. The PCI outcome in 2022 came from a better investment environment, the friendly attitude of local government and civil servants and the multi stakeholder interest principle where businesses, people and the government enjoy benefits together," he said.

Extending success

It is a hard task to maintain and further raise the PCI Index in the context that other provinces and cities are also making efforts to improve their business investment environment as well.

For that reason, right after the PCI Index 2022 was announced, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee continued to sign and launch an action plan to carry out main tasks and solutions to develop the private economy, ameliorate the business climate and lift the PCI Index in 2023.

Accordingly, Dak Nong aimed to increase the PCI standing by at least one place as compared to that in 2022. The province has strived to have more corporate formations and reduce corporate bankruptcies or operational suspensions as compared to 2022. The plan targeted to create a favorable, fair, friendly, open and transparent business climate. Besides, it has encouraged and facilitated private business development, supported and facilitated business operations, and removes difficulties and obstacles for enterprises.

The plan also aimed for a better business climate and stronger competitiveness while accelerating administrative reform to build a democratic, open, transparent, disciplined, honest and professional administration.

Based on the PCI Index in 2022, the Department of Planning and Investment will report and analyze every component indicator, the reasons for its advance or retreat, and the responsibilities of each agency and unit; advise the province to open a workshop on this matter and invite experts to analyze and assess that indicator, then synthesize its contents and advise the province to assign specific tasks to each branch and locality for implementation.

The Department of Planning and Investment will continue to check the implementation of solutions for a better business investment environment at agencies that are responsible for given component indicators and agencies that are responsible for supporting businesses and investors. The department will carry out Directive 12/CT-UBND of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee on strengthening the responsibility of performing PCI improvement tasks. The agency will continue to deploy the District and Department Competitiveness Index (DDCI). This is considered a tool to monitor and assess the performance of departments, branches and districts and serves as an objective basis for assessing operational quality, thereby helping point to weaknesses that need to be tackled, as well as strengths that need to be promoted.

“In order to better serve people and businesses and facilitate construction development of the province, Dak Nong always believes that reforming administrative procedures and improving the business investment environment are key continuous, long-term tasks that need an innovative and creative mindset to get a better outcome,” said Mr. Tran Dinh Ninh, Director of the Dak Nong Department of Planning and Investment.

By Hoang NgocVietnam Business Forum