Customs and Businesses Discuss Express Delivery Issues

1:53:57 PM | 9/6/2023

The General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDC) recently hosted a meeting with representatives of the Global Express Association (GEA) and the Conference of Asia Pacific Express Carriers (CAPEC) to discuss express delivery and e-commerce matters.

At the meeting, the two sides debated various problems and recommendations to enhance voluntary compliance and further facilitate providers of express delivery services and cross-border e-commerce. Priority topics for discussion included specialized inspection into low-value imported goods, VNACCS system upgrading, the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Program for express couriers, and tax on e-commerce goods collected from the suppliers.

The two sides exchanged regulations in legal documents on specialized inspection into low-value imported goods as well as recommendations to remove obstacles and facilitate specialized inspection into consumer goods imported by individuals through e-commerce transactions. Participants also discussed the status after the COVID-19 pandemic when cross-border e-commerce became a common practice among the public, leading to a multifold growth of customs declarations. Fully recognizing this matter, GDC has made great efforts to expedite the development of a new customs clearance system, digital transformation, and application of modern customs technology in the coming time.

Regarding the AEO Program for express couriers, this program is applicable to importers, exporters, customs brokers, and strategic projects that meet specified criteria according to current laws.

 To comply with international standards, especially the SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade, GDC is actively reviewing amending legal documents to expand and supplement entities eligible for the AEO Program. Express couriers are recommended to introduce best practices related to conditions for AEO recognition, ensure supply chain security and benefits for AEOs, and enable GDC to consider application when revising regulatory frameworks.

By Hien Phuc, Vietnam Business Forum