Interflex Vina Co., Ltd - Leading Brand in Electronic Parts Industry

10:01:54 AM | 10/23/2020

Interflex Vina Co., Ltd based in Ba Thien Industrial Park, Vinh Phuc, is a wholly South Korean-invested manufacturer of printed circuit boards (PCBs), surface-mount technology boards (SMT) and touch screens for smartphones. The company has soon created and built a firm position in the electronic components market thanks to its reputable and quality products. The success of the company has positively helped the socioeconomic development of Vinh Phuc province.

Although its establishment was quite late relative to other rivals, after just six years of operation, Interflex Vina Co., Ltd. has affirmed its position as one of the leading producers of electronic components. In the mobile phone manufacturing sector, electronic components are decisive to product quality. Electronic components accounted for up to 50% of the group’s profit. Therefore, conducting market surveys and investing in component production helped Interflex Vina achieve certain successes.

To make quality products, in addition to modern production lines, production methods and employees of the company must work to given standards. From leaders to employees, before entering production areas, everyone dons personal protective equipment, hats, gloves and shoes to ensure occupational safety and health in production. During the manufacturing process, only a small dust particle sticking to a chip or a circuit board may cause a product failure and, according to contractual terms with major technology partners, with just one product failure, the whole shipment will be returned and the damage will be definitely substantial to the company. Moreover, for world-leading technology corporations, products provided must be 100% flawless. A product failure can destroy a reputation and cause its producer to lose market share, especially in the current context of fierce competition in the electronic component manufacturing industry.

Made on modern technology lines, professional qualification requirements for employees are quite high. When recruited, many employees are completely untrained and have no expertise but, after many training courses organized by the company, they can perform their jobs proficiently. Currently, foremen mainly oversee working hours and assist new recruits. Speaking about the investment environment of Vinh Phuc province, Mr. Ji Young Ju, Director of Administration and Human Resources Department, Interflex Vina Co., Ltd, said, "Vinh Phuc is an ideal destination for foreign businesses investing in Vietnam. Not only being a favorable trading location, Vinh Phuc also has an open investment mechanism, a good technical infrastructure and favorable conditions for investors to expand their operations. In addition, when investing in Vinh Phuc, Interflex Vina has utilized abundant human resources and low cost of living. For its part, the company is also responsible for paying taxes to the local coffers and helping the province train high-quality human resources, provide many jobs, and strengthen local social security.”

With its positive contributions to Vinh Phuc’s socioeconomic development, Interflex Vina Co., Ltd is among well performing tenants in local industrial zones in 2015-2020 honored at the 5th Vinh Phuc Patriotic Emulation Congress.

By Quynh Ngoc, Vietnam Business Forum