9:11:00 AM | 6/9/2023
Social networks have recently spread the image of "Certificate of GACC Registration" of the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) with a QR code linked to https://www.aqsiq.net, with contents about the certification of exporter registration number for agricultural products and food exports to China. The Vietnam SPS Office said that it has not yet received a notice from GACC about the "Certificate of GACC Registration" with a QR code linked to the address www.aqsiq.net.
According to Decree 248 of the General Administration of Customs of China (effective from January 1, 2022) and its Note 353 of September 27, 2021, GACC is responsible for administering the import and export of goods and services into China. All information related to the certification and registration of agricultural and food exports to China must be passed by GACC and, after being approved by GACC, it will be officially announced.
Specifically, foreign production, processing and preservation companies that export food to China register on the system https://app.singlewindow.cn/ (including direct registration or introduction by competent authorities), the registration result is published on the website: https://ciferquery.singlewindow.cn/ and the written notice of competent authorities of Vietnam for the code introduced by competent authorities.
For enterprises that register products with the Department of Supervision on Animal and Plant Quarantine, GACC, registration results are published at the website: http://dzs.customs.gov.cn/ and the written notice of competent authorities of Vietnam. For commercial enterprises, registration results are published at the website: http://ire.customs.gov.cn/.
By Hien Phuc. Vietnam Business Forum