Digital Transformation Handbook for SME Food Processors and Distributors Launched

9:32:32 AM | 7/12/2023

The Ministry of Planning and Investment recently held a press conference to announce the launch of the Digital Transformation Handbook for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the food processing and distribution sectors. The event was hosted by the Enterprise Development Department in collaboration with the Digital Transformation and Agricultural Statistics Center (under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the USAID Linkages for Small and Medium Enterprises (USAID LinkSME) within the framework of the business support program for digital transformation in 2021-2025.

The handbook provides an overview, raises awareness, and offers guidelines for SMEs to apply digital technology to food processing and distribution. It helps introduce a suitable roadmap for technological application at different levels, aligned with business goals and existing resources of the company. In the manual, program experts analyze difficulties and offer solutions to promote digital transformation for small and medium food processors and distributors. Besides, they share practical lessons and suitable digital transformation roadmaps for small and medium food processors and distributors.

In addition, the handbook presents suggestions for building a digital transformation roadmap for food processors and distributors for product marketing in domestic and export markets. In particular, the roadmap construction depends on the priority of target elements and the nature of the business. Factors that businesses need to take into consideration in developing a digital transformation plan include complying with regulations and standards in export markets, expanding markets and attracting customers, and optimizing costs.

In particular, the program's experts also note that businesses need to be aware of strict regulations from major markets around the world related to Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) when adopting digital transformation.

By Thu Ha, Vietnam Business Forum