Improving Human Resource Quality, Attracting Investment in New Period

3:25:37 PM | 9/23/2023

To prepare human resources to meet businesses’ needs in the new period, Vinh Phuc has introduced innovative solutions to improve the quality of human resources. The province will continue to complete the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) plan; and develop the TVET system by increasing the scale and quality, focusing on high-quality training programs for key industries and fields of the province.

According to statistics, Vinh Phuc province has 33 vocational training schools with nearly 2,000 employees, teachers and lecturers. To perform their assigned tasks, they have actively reformed and enhanced the quality of teaching and learning; strengthened connectivity with businesses, expanded market-based training scale and majors; and increased practical lessons and career orientation for students. Currently, Vinh Phuc has more than 251,000 workers employed by enterprises, of which State-owned enterprises (SOEs) account for 0.5%; private companies hire more than 37% and FDI firms employ more than 62%. In particular, the ratio of trained workers has gradually increased year after year, from 24.8% in 2018 and 25.1% in 2019 to 28.2% in 2020 and approximately 35% in 2021. The skills and expertise of workers have been improved steadily, especially after 15 years of implementing Resolution 20 of the Party Central Committee on “Continued construction of the Vietnamese working class in the modern era of accelerated national industrialization and modernization”. Currently, the province’s workforce is growing in both size and quality. Theoretical levels, organizational awareness, and discipline are increasingly improved to meet companies’ needs.

To protect the legal and legitimate rights and interests of workers, the Provincial Labor Confederation has closely monitored the implementation of laws on social insurance, health insurance, voluntary insurance and grassroots democracy. The agency has conducted nearly 1,600 peer and subordinate inspections on compliance with the Charter of the Vietnam Trade Union and checked 37 entities on management and use of union finances. According to recent surveys, conducted by relevant bodies, on 26/180 large-scale manufacturing corporations and 329/1,400 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the province, nearly 27% of large corporations and 16% of SMEs reported shortages of unskilled and high-quality labor. Although the ratio of trained workers has increased over the years, the number of workers with college or higher levels of high-tech skills remains low, failing to meet recruitment demands by high-tech companies.

In response to this reality, the Provincial People’s Committee directed relevant bodies and localities to implement consistent solutions to develop human resources, especially high-quality ones; accelerate the process of labor mobility to economic sectors with higher added value; prioritize human resource training and business development in rural areas; reform vocational training linked to job creation; strengthen training cooperation with universities; implement new training programs according to regional and international standards; promptly adjust market-based job creation and vocational education in line with Industry 4.0 trends.

In the future, Vinh Phuc province will continue to reform and promote significant changes in trainee enrollment and training quality. At the same time, the province will develop the TVET system with various training methods and levels, especially high-quality training, to better meet the market demand and increase labor productivity, growth quality and economic competitiveness in the context of Industry 4.0 and international integration.

By Thanh Loan, Vietnam Business Forum