Top 10 Events of Vietnamese National Assembly in 2024

9:14:34 AM | 1/23/2025

The Secretary General of the National Assembly of Vietnam recently announced the 10 most outstanding events of the National Assembly (NA) in 2024, aiming to enhance public engagement and elevate the NA’s image among voters, citizens nationwide and the international community. Vietnam Business Forum is pl  eased to present these events.

Party and State leaders and National Assembly deputies at the 8th session of the 15th National Assembly

1. Strong reform of the lawmaking mindset to meet new development demands

In 2024, legislative efforts produced important achievements, notably reflecting a shift in law-making thinking to enhance effective state management while fostering innovation and creativity, and unlocking productive potential. The focus on decentralization and delegation of power, coupled with a comprehensive reduction of administrative procedures, placed people and businesses at the heart of legal regulations. As a result, the laws enacted are streamlined, substantive, and provide precise and adequate provisions on matters within the National Assembly’s jurisdiction, ensuring stability and long-term value.

The number of laws and resolutions passed in 2024 reached the highest level since the start of the term, with 31 laws and 42 resolutions (nearly 50% of the total legislative tasks completed to date). This includes eight legal resolutions, which received strong approval from the majority of National Assembly deputies.

In the 8th Session alone, the 15th National Assembly passed 18 laws, nearly one-third of the total laws passed since the beginning of the term. Notably, the legislative technique of “using one law to amend many laws” was applied, with one law amending four laws in the investment sector and another amending nine laws in the finance and budget sectors. This approach, carried out in a single session, highlights the National Assembly and Government's commitment to swiftly amending and supplementing mechanisms and policies to address urgent practical needs. It also contributes to overcoming institutional “bottlenecks,” promoting socio-economic development, and ensuring alignment with the directives of General Secretary To Lam and National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man on innovation in law-making thinking.

2. The National Assembly passes the 2024 Land Law; Decision on the Land Law, Housing Law, and Real Estate Business Law to take effect five months early

At the 5th extraordinary session of the 15th National Assembly, the Land Law 31/2024/QH15 was passed, marking the completion of one of the most important legislative tasks of the 15th National Assembly term. The law is set to take effect on January 1, 2025.

To address obstacles and swiftly implement the new policies decided by the National Assembly, in alignment with the country’s socio-economic development needs, the National Assembly, based on the Government’s proposal and broad consensus from localities and relevant agencies, passed Law 43/2024/QH15 at the 7th session. This law amends and supplements several articles of the Land Law, Housing Law, Real Estate Business Law, and the Law on Credit Institutions. Notably, the Land Law, Housing Law, and Real Estate Business Law take effect on August 1, 2024, five months earlier than originally planned. This adjustment aims to address the shortcomings and limitations of existing laws, meet the needs for a comprehensive refinement of policies and laws on land management, real estate, and housing, and align with the development of a socialist-oriented market economy. The goal is to ensure that land resources are managed and utilized economically, sustainably and efficiently, while promoting industrialization, modernization, fairness and social stability. This will create the momentum needed to transform the country into a high-income developed country, meeting the expectations and aspirations of the people, businesses, and foreign partners.

3. The National Assembly approves investment policy for North-South High-Speed Railway and Ninh Thuan Nuclear Power Project

Implementing the Party’s policies and basing on the Government’s proposals, at its 8th session, the NA seriously discussed and reached a strong consensus on the decision on investment policies on North-South high-speed railway and restarted Ninh Thuan nuclear power project. This was an historic decision, at the right time for two particularly important projects of the country, with a huge investment fund and the convergence of high scientific and technological content, with a total impact on all economic, social, security and defense fields, to bring the country into a new era.

The NA’s agreement to renew investment in the Ninh Thuan nuclear power project after eight years of suspension is epochally important and significant to developing national energy infrastructure, ensuring energy security and enhancing the development of high-quality human resources and the country's scientific and technological potential. The North-South high-speed railway project, implemented in the form of public investment, is a clear demonstration of innovative thinking in national infrastructure development, harmonious combination of economic and social development and environmental protection goals. This is a symbol of the aspirations, innovative spirit and firm actions of the Party and the State to open up great opportunities for the country's rapid and sustainable development in the future.

The National Assembly approves the amended Land Law during the 5th extraordinary session

4. The National Assembly passes two national target programs on drug prevention and cultural development

The NA’s adoption of the Resolution on investment for the National Target Program on Drug Prevention and Control to 2030 and the Resolution on investment for the National Target Program on Cultural Development in the 2025-2035 period (at the 8th session) is very important.

The resolutions clearly define specific, practical and highly feasible targets, set out principles for allocating resources with focused and key points that strongly improve sustainable human development and ensure a safe, healthy and spiritually diverse living environment for the people.

Accordingly, the National Target Program on Drug Prevention and Control will promote the combined strength of the entire political system and all the people to reduce harmful drug effects in three aspects: supply, demand and harm. The National Target Program on Cultural Development plays an important role in building and perfecting personality, ethical standards, identity, bravery and value system of Vietnamese people and families to gradually institutionalize the Party’s major policies at the 2021 National Cultural Congress.

5. The National Assembly approves universal health insurance coverage for rare, serious diseases and those requiring high-tech treatments

At the 8th session, the law amending and supplementing several articles of the Health Insurance Law was passed in a streamlined process (within a single session) to address urgent issues, ensuring legal consistency and alignment with relevant international agreements. This revision not only improves medical services for insured individuals but also strengthens public confidence in the Party and State's health insurance policy. It positions the Health Insurance Card as a symbol of humanity and social equality. The law grants insured individuals suffering from rare or serious diseases, as well as those requiring high-tech treatments or surgery, the right to be hospitalized at specialized hospitals without the need for prior referrals, while ensuring 100% coverage of medical costs, eliminating the usual boundary-based discrimination.

6. Hue becomes a centrally-run city; completion of district and commune-level administrative unit reorganization on schedule

It’s 20 years since the 11th NA (4th session) passed Resolution 22/2003/QH11 on establishing the centrally governed city of Can Tho, and on November 30, 2024, at the 8th session, the 15th NA adopted Resolution 175/2024/QH15 establishing the centrally governed city of Hue. This very important decision marked an outstanding achievement in carrying out the urbanization policy alongside with the country’s national urban economic development, thus helping Hue change its urban space and economic space, form new development momentum, improve the quality of life, preserve and promote Hue’s heritage values and cultural identity. Hue will be developed into the center of the region and the country as stated in Resolution 54-NQ/TW of the Politburo.

In addition, based on the Project on rearranging district and commune-level administrative units for the 2023-2025 period of 51 provinces and cities with units subject to rearrangement (with 38 district-level administrative units and 1,166 commune-level administrative units), in 2024, the NA Standing Committee completed reviewing and deciding on administrative unit rearrangement (reducing nine district-level administrative units and 563 commune-level administrative units) in accordance with Resolution 37-NQ/TW dated December 24, 2018 of the Politburo on district- and commune-level administrative unit rearrangement and Conclusion 48-KL/TW dated January 30, 2023 of the Politburo on continued district and commune-level administrative unit rearrangement for the 2023-2030 period. This is an important basis for localities nationwide to quickly stabilize their organizational apparatus and successfully hold Party congresses at all levels to move toward the 14th National Party Congress. At the same time, this will help streamline the organizational apparatus and the payroll, reduce state budget expenditures, expand development space, and promote local potential and advantages.

The National Assembly enhances bilateral and multilateral parliamentary cooperation, reinforcing the Party's foreign policy. In the photo:  The Vietnamese National Assembly made significant and constructive contributions to the 45th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA-45), Vientiane, Laos, October 2024

7. The National Assembly approves the first national marine spatial plan in Vietnam

At the 7th session, the NA ratified the Resolution on the National Marine Spatial Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050. This is a comprehensive, multisectoral, highly specialized and very complicated national plan, established for the first time in Vietnam. This is an important tool to concretize the National Master Plan and build the foundation for managing resource extraction and utilization, protecting the environment, and conserving marine ecosystems effectively, thereby forming strong marine economic sectors, generating better livelihoods for people, ensuring national defense and security, maintaining sovereignty, sovereign rights and national jurisdiction at sea.

8. The National Assembly Standing Committee supervises implementation of resolutions on thematic supervision and questioning from the start of the 15th National Assembly term

In 2024, the NA Standing Committee successfully organized interpellations at the 36th session to review the implementation of six resolutions on thematic questioning and supervision of by Government and central agencies from the beginning of the 15th NA term to the end of 2023 in nine sectors: Industry and trade; agriculture and rural development; culture, sports and tourism; justice; home affairs; security, order and social safety; inspection; court; and prosecution. This is considered the first ‘re-supervision’ activity of the NA Standing Committee during the 15th term, showing that its resolutions have been seriously and responsibly implemented by relevant agencies to provide many consistent solutions, create positive changes and achieve specific results in most areas.

Furthermore, the NA’s supreme oversight has left an important mark with the NA’s passing of the thematic oversight resolution on “Implementing legal policies on real estate market management and social housing development from 2015 to the end of 2023”. This is a highly topical, wide-ranging down-to-earth resolution. Although the supervision period was very long, the Supervisory Delegation carried out it very meticulously and scientifically, clearly figuring out limitations and shortcomings and proposing comprehensive and specific directions and solutions.

9. Closely following the directions of the Central Executive Committee, continuing the reform and reorganization of the streamlined political system, effective and efficient operations at NA agencies, agencies under the NA Standing Committee, and the NA Office

Immediately after the Central Executive Committee directed the implementation of Resolution 18-NQ/TW dated October 25, 2017 and Plan 04-KH/BCD dated November 13, 2024, NA Chairman Tran Thanh Man signed Resolution 1297/NQ-UBTVQH15 dated November 18, 2024 of the NA Standing Committee to establish a steering committee responsible for summarizing the implementation of Resolution 18-NQ/TW at NA agencies, agencies under the NA Standing Committee, and the Office of the National Assembly; assigned specific tasks to each member of the steering committee; developed and promulgated a plan to arrange and streamline NA agencies and agencies under the NA Standing Committee.

The NA and NA deputies are highly unified and exemplary at the forefront of executing Party policies; clearly define functions, tasks and relationships of agencies, especially agencies of the NA and the Government, thus ensuring closeness and harmony in the national governance process. Arranging and perfecting the Ethnic Council, NA Committees, and agencies under the NA Standing Committee to ensure effective and efficient operations are crucial to reform the NA’s activities.

Moreover, NA agencies, agencies under the NA Standing Committee and the Office of the NA, according to their functions and tasks, completed researching and reviewing laws, ordinances and resolutions concerning the organization and activities of the NA and the political system in general, actively proposed the NA and the NA Standing Committee for amendments and supplements according to their authority to create a legal basis for reformed, rearranged and streamlined organizational apparatus to ensure that Party policies are implemented as quickly as possible when unanimously approved by the Central Committee.

10. The National Assembly of Vietnam strengthens bilateral and multilateral parliamentary cooperation, supporting the Party’s foreign policy

The foreign affairs of the National Assembly in 2024 were also fruitful. Bilateral foreign affairs between the National Assembly of Vietnam and parliaments of other countries were increasingly profound, stable and sustainable. Multilateral foreign affairs of the NA were increasingly effective and substantive, with an active spirit of deep international integration at international and regional inter-parliamentary forums, contributing to enhancing the prestige of the NA and Vietnam's position in the international arena.

In 2024, the NA welcomed 39 parliamentary delegations from other countries to visit Vietnam, including 10 parliamentary speakers’ delegations and eight parliamentary vice speakers’ delegations, organized 45 NA delegations, particularly the NA Chairman’s visits to China, Russia, Laos, Cambodia, Singapore and Japan, and his attendance to the 45th AIPA General Assembly. International cooperation agreements signed between the Vietnamese NA and foreign parliaments contributed to promoting parliamentary diplomacy and foreign affairs of the Party and the State.

By Duy Anh, Vietnam Business Forum