9:29:27 AM | 10/14/2021
Vinh Phuc province requested local enterprises to adopt measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic, synchronously build "green zones" in manufacturing facilities to ensure employment for workers and enable local economic growth.
With the spirit of "fighting pandemic and enemy alike", placing people’s health, safety and life on top, protecting safe production and business, maintain economic growth to provide sustainable resources for pandemic prevention and taking care of people's livelihoods, Vinh Phuc promptly launched working plans and engaged the entire political system in a drastic fight against the pandemic. As a result, the COVID-19 pandemic was successfully contained in the province.
In economic development, to protect safe production and prevent the risk of disease transmission to companies and industrial parks, Vinh Phuc has concentrated on directing competent agencies to and the health sector to coordinate and assist businesses in reviewing and assessing infection risks and working out disease prevention plans at each level. The locality disseminated central and local regulations on disease prevention and control and measures to contagion prevention in business facilities, including 4K rules plus vaccinations, body temperature measurement, hand sanitization, social distancing and mobility control.
Besides, all companies are required to carry out COVID-19 tests for all employees to assess safety. Test samples are combined to reduce costs and time for businesses. To prevent external infection risks, all foreign workers are required to stay in Vinh Phuc province during the pandemic time and provided with shuttle buses to their workplaces. Experts and foreigners are also required to stay in the province, not to go to other provinces during this period and are provided accommodations. The province prioritizes vaccinations for factory workers inside and outside industrial zones, strengthens inspections, promptly and strictly handles enterprises and business households that do not comply or do not comply with obligatory pandemic prevention and control measures.
At its second plenary gathering, the Vinh Phuc Provincial People’s Council ratified Resolution 31 on measures to realize the goal of making Vinh Phuc province a "safe green zone against COVID-19". To materialize this resolution, the Provincial People’s Committee issued Plan 215 on the construction of “green zones” against the COVID-19 pandemic and local socio-economic development. One of the important tasks in the plan is making Vinh Phuc a safe area against the pandemic to keep on business activity both inside and outside industrial zones.
In response to the province-backed policy and plan for safe "green zones", businesses and workers have expressed their confidence and trust. Through this model, employees' awareness has been raised in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in the “one route, two destinations" scenario which requires workers to go between home and workplace, no other places, to prevent contagion. In particular, building "green zones" will importantly help build a safety expanse for continuously stable manufacturing and business activity despite complicated pandemic development. As a result, enterprises will be able to ensure constant production, ensure jobs, incomes and welfare for workers.
Impressed with a sustainable "green zone" amidst the complicated context of pandemic contagion across the country, General Director of Thang Long Vinh Phuc Industrial Park Co., Ltd (Sumitomo Group) said, “Many industrial parks invested by Sumitomo Group in other countries such as India, Myanmar, the Philippines and Bangladesh are in difficulty, even halting operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in Vinh Phuc, our industrial park is still working well. This is very special. This is building great confidence and motivation for businesses to overcome this difficult period."
Source: Vietnam Business Forum