Le Ninh Co., Ltd: Leading Star in Quang Binh Agriculture

4:04:55 PM | 9/28/2011

With its achievements in cultivation, animal husbandry, industrial processing and service, each step of Le Ninh One Member Limited Liability Company builds its pride. Not only establishing proper production and business orientation models and developing self-contained multi-business operations, Le Ninh carries out medical check-ups, training, and Party and Youth organisation activities. The Company was awarded Third Grade Labour Order by the State President.
Success in many aspects
Not only possessing a vast rubber forest, maize and rice fields, pepper gardens and other crop land, Le Ninh Co., Ltd. also cultures swine, hybrid cows and fish. With its innovative management mechanism and sound business plans, in 2010, Le Ninh achieved remarkable accomplishments, particularly 1.5 tonnes of dry latex per ha, 38.3 tonnes of pork sold and 905 head of cattle.
In addition, Le Ninh has had success in industrial processing and services. Beside rubber processing, fertiliser and animal feed production, and rice hulling, the company also asserts its name in transport service and purified water. These fields brought in more than VND76 billion of revenues in 2010.
Last but not least, Le Ninh also successfully pursues many scientific research projects on rice, maize and soybean varieties, and conducts new studies on the effects of complex microbiological organic fertilisers on rice productivity and vegetables. Such research projects and studies substantiated its fertiliser quality and helped increase its market share.
Focus on human development
In addition to business development, Le Ninh always attaches great importance to living conditions, jobs and social policies for its employees. Mr Nguyen Ngoc Son, Chairman and Director of Le Ninh, said: "We always set great store by fostering awareness and professional skills for employees. Last year, our company sent some employees to continuing education classes to improve their professional skills and opened two training courses on latex exploitation for 53 locals.”
The company also launches emulative movements in praise of excellent employees. In 2010, the award money reached VND1.5 billion. These events motivate its employees to try harder for the company.
The company also pays attention to medical check-ups for workers, national security and social culture. In addition to ensuring healthcare policies for workers, the company has strengthened infrastructure for childcare systems to ensure the quality of teaching and learning. Cultural, sport and charitable activities are held regularly. Security is also enhanced to help its employees feel at ease when they come and leave the company.
A 900-staff strong has made Le Ninh a strong business of Quang Binh province in agriculture, industrial processing and services.
Hoang Trinh Anh