5:49:55 PM | 18/7/2011
To introduce the programme to improve its Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) rating, Quang Nam People's Committee has coordinated with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) to hold a conference on "Analysis of the PCI of Quang Nam in 2010" toward PCI improvement in 2011. This conference aims to collect suggestions on improvement of the province's PCI, and implement Resolution 09/NQ-TU on how to better the local investment environment.
Having determined that the improvement in PCI is key for economic development, over the years, Quang Nam has made efforts to create a comfortable environment and business investment transparency. All levels and branches have focused on completing administrative procedures and tried to build suitable systems of solutions, mechanisms and policies to encourage economic sectors to develop, in which the province has created the best conditions to develop the private civil economic sectors. Thanks to these efforts, Quang Nam is highly evaluated by the business community for creating a favourable business and investment environment. This is the result of being active in exploiting available resources and ongoing efforts, with flexibility and creativity, in the economic administration of the provincial authorities over the years.
Despite the serious focus onreform in the businessenvironment,QuangNamhas failed tocatch up with the other cities and provinces in the country.Thelack ofskilledlabourers, poorinfrastructure, and unstable legal framework are a drag on the province'sbusiness environment.In 2010, QuangNamranked26th among 63 provinces with a score of59.34,dropped byonelevel compared withits PCI ranking in 2009.
DeputyHead ofVCCI's Legal Department Mr DauAnhTuan said thatin 2010, among componential indexes having impacts on thePCIofQuangNam, there wereonlythree componentialindexesrelatively wellmaintained, including: transparency, businesssupportservices andworkforce training; six remainingindexeswere not so improvedincluding: market entry, land accession, time costs, unofficial costs, and legalinstitutions.Private civil businessesin QuangNamalsofaced manydifficulties in capital, human resources, andadministrative procedures. So, in the conference,based ondetailed analysis ofthe gradescales, theassessmentof the businessesofeachindexforQuangNamand comparisonwithother localities, the participants spoke, discussed,identified causes, proposedsolutionsand providedsome effective experienceto improvethe low graded indexesas well as to maintainand promotethe strengths, continue toimproveeconomic governance, and improve the investment and businessenvironmentin QuangNam.
According to Mr Tuan, improvingcompetitivenessis notthe “overnight” matter. It requires timeand appropriate investment.Inthe coming time, QuangNamshouldcontinue to focusonadministrativereformand information access; shortening the timeto grant permits;enhancebusinesssupport services and employee training; and stable land access and use tocreatea transparent, healthyandattractive investmentenvironment. In addition, the province should reform more strongly; strengthenbusiness dialogue; and solve difficultiesand problemsfacing investors.
ChairmanLePhuocThanh of QuangNamPeople's Committee said the survey results andranking position of PCIhas beenseen as animportant toolto measureand evaluateprovincial economic managementand administration. To express their determination to improve thePCI, in early May 2011, the Provincial People’s Committee establishedthe Steering Committeefor Improvement inlocal investment andbusiness environment, which goes side by side with the Steering Committee for EnhancingthePCI, aimed to improve thebusiness environment. Thecentral and sole taskoftheSteering Committee forenhancingthe PCIindex of QuangNamin 2011andcoming years is to createaclearand attractive investmentenvironment, improving conditionsforinvestors doing business in the province.
Hong Ha