Quang Nam’s PCI Makes Spectacular Breakthrough

11:09:46 PM | 10/7/2012

Improving the investment environment and the provincial competitiveness index (PCI) is a much-discussed story for many years in Quang Nam province. With its investment policy, Quang Nam desires to create the most favourable conditions for enterprises and investors to do business. This determination is demonstrated from the highest provincial level to the grassroots level.
Nice image in the eyes of businesses and investors
In 2010, the Provincial People's Committee issued the Decision 553/QD-UBND on building specific programmes, plans and measures for the implementation of the Provincial Party Committee’s Resolution 09/NQ-TU on construction and improvement of investment environment in Quang Nam. Basing on this resolution and decision, all agencies and sectors are simultaneously deploying and carrying out planned tasks.
The province also established the Steering Committee on Investment Environment Improvement chaired by Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee whose first assistant is the Head of Quang Nam Investment Promotion and Business Support Committee. The committee’s members are provincial department leaders. The committee is tasked to monitor and instruct departments, agencies and localities to carry out activities relating to investment attraction, business and production development in the province.
In addition to investment environment improvement policies, Quang Nam province defines that enterprises and investors are their customers; thus, it always listens to what they need to improve service quality for them. Business environment surveys in Quang Nam have been performed to identify and deal with difficulties and problems facing enterprises and investors to serve them better.
Furthermore, regular dialogues chaired by Chairperson or Vice Chairperson of the Provincial People’s Committee listen to ideas, aspirations and sharing of the local business community.
Top 3 in Central - Highland Regions
With nine specific index components, the provinci
Set up in 2009, the Quang Nam Investment Promotion and Business Support Committee is directly administered by the Provincial People’s Committee and the Chairperson of the Provincial People’s Committee. The head is Vice Chairperson of the Provincial People’s Committee
The Quang Nam Investment Promotion and Business Support Committee is responsible for advertising potentials, strengths, and development investment demand of the province; organising investment promotion activities and participating in international economic integration policies. It also provides adequate information and supports investors to explore opportunities, implement projects and to do business in Quang Nam. Besides, it serves as a bridge for businesses and the provincial government. Enterprises can contact the committee to deal with problems or seek its supports to work with competent authorities.
With its functions and tasks, the committee always sides with businesses when they operate in Quang Nam.
al competitiveness index (PCI) partly tells the picture of investment environment. If the PCI is enough to tell the investment environment of a locality, Quang Nam is a locality with good investment environment. This can be seen in many years. Quang Nam is always rated a good province in terms of economic management.
And, in 2011, Quang Nam ranked 11th out of 63 provinces and cities included in the PCI ranking released by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI). Some component indices increased in score, particularly market entry cost (9.13), land access (6.81), time expense (7.06), and dynamic and innovative leadership (5.76). Gross score rose from 59.34 in 2010 to 63.40. Accordingly, in 2011, Quang Nam was rated a good province and ranked third in central and highland province, after Da Nang and Ha Tinh. This was a good sign as it showed the positive response of Quang Nam business community to the efforts of the provincial government.
The PCI 2011 position was a result that not only showed the province’s endeavours to improve the investment environment but also illustrated high expectations of business community. Mr Dinh Van Thu, Vice Chairman of Quang Nam People’s Committee, said: “Higher PCI is a positive signal expressing the effort of the provincial government in reform for a better environment for businesses. I think the 2011 ranking rank will be a driving force and confidence for businesses to continue with foreseeable hardships in the time to come. And, authorities of Quang Nam will always side with businesses.”