Dai Loi Co., Ltd is a multi-industry company, but it mainly focuses on two core fields: Managing, operating and protecting irrigation works in the two districts of Van Yen and Luc Yen; and managing and operating water supply sourced from Mau A Water Plant in Mau A town, Van Yen district. Currently, the company is managing, exploiting and protecting 682 irrigation works, including 54 reservoirs, seven electric pumping stations and 621 dams to water 12,700 ha (consisting of 10,932 ha of rice, 1,638 ha of vegetables and 130 ha of aquaculture.)
In 2018, the company spent VND6.7 billion maintaining and repairing nearly 200 damaged and degraded irrigation works and VND4.04 billion constructing 2,152 km of canals to ensure irrigation, drainage and water supply. The company has cooperated with provincial agencies and the two districts to repair 17 works, costing over VND14.83 billion, and signed contracts worth VND306 million with 51 communes and towns. Dai Loi Co., Ltd promptly led, directed and launched irrigation measures in response to drought during the winter-spring crop. In addition, at Mau A Water Plant, the company expanded the installation of 5,852 meters of water supply piping systems for Zone II, Zone V, Hong Phong Road, Thanh Nien Road and Ngo Gia Tu Road with a value of VND1.2 billion, raising the total number of households having access to clean water to 2,875.
In 2019, the company has striven to fulfill all targets assigned by relevant authorities. It has endeavored to increase water production and revenue by 5% or more, reduce water loss in the system to less than 12%, and ensure better jobs and incomes for all employees than 2018.